060316_sumercampThis blogspot was launched in January of 2015, and since its inception, I have never re-published a post … until now. “A Mountaintop of Fun for Your Teenaged Child” came out last May. It encouraged parents to consider the spiritual value of a Christian camp experience for their teenaged students. I am re-posting this piece because I am passionately convinced of the impact of such camps (and summer time is approaching).

In the following blog, I specifically endorse the ministry of Fort Bluff Camp, located in Dayton, TN. But with this re-publication, let me recognize that there are many, many other summer camps that God uses to mend and to fortify students’ spiritual lives. I encourage parents to prayerfully seek those out.

If you have a child interested in hunting, fishing, and outdoor activities, you may want to visit www.sonriseadventures.com. This camp is located in Buchanan, TN, and my brother, Jon Paul Moody, is its executive director. The camp is customarily for boys, ages 10-16; however, there is a weekend camp for female campers.

Thank you, friend, for subscribing to The Grace Exchange! Don’t hesitate to enter the dialogue via a comment. Blessings for you, Candise


A Mountaintop of Fun for Your Teenaged Child